PITT-CHAR® NX is a two-component, 100% solids, flexible, epoxy intumescent fire protective coating for use in industries such as oil & gas, chemicals, energy, transportation and defense that potentially involve major accident hazards including explosions, hydrocarbon jet and pool fires. Also provides Cryogenic Spill Protection (CSP) requirements on LNG facilities.
Suitable for use in offshore and onshore environments with ISO 12944-2 corrosivity categories of C5 and CX (offshore).
Service Temperature Limits: -60°C (-76°F) to +80°C (176 °F) continuous.
Independently tested in accordance with recognized national and international test standards including:
ASTM E-84, BS 476, GB 14907, GOST R 53295, GOST R EN 1363-2, IMO FTP Code, ISO 22899-1, ISO 12944, ISO 20902-1, ISO 20088-3, NFPA 290, NORSOK M501 Edition 6, UL 2431 and UL 1709 Rev.5